The Community Development Program has the background to improve the quality of the environment around the operational location and location of the Company’s project as well as the local communities’ neighborhoods. The objective of the program is to prevent damage to the natural environment in which the Company operates, as well as to improve the quality of the local communities’ neighborhood within the framework of complete human development.
The program has been implemented by implementing an Integrated Waste Management System known as the “Environmental Management & Environmental Monitoring Effort” system (UKL and UPL). Efforts to maintain the quality of the environment have been able to meet international standards by obtaining ISO 14001: 2007 Certificate – Environmental Management System. Compliance with ISO 14001: 2007 – Environmental Management System is monitored by Safety, Health & Environment (SHE).
HSE Program
Programs implemented within the OSH Enhancement Program include:
Implementation of Emergency Response System
The Company provides HSE facilities and infrastructure such as fire extinguishers and Personal Protective Equipment (APD) and performs routine maintenance and reliability tests to ensure that all HSE facilities and infrastructure can be used where needed.
The implementation of HSE scorecard
The implementation of HSE scorecard to measure the performance of HSE implementation, which is always discussed in Monthly Management.
HSE Socialization
HSE socialization and training to all level of employees including the Board of Directors in order to improve HSE awareness.